Pioneering the S.M.A.R.T approach to Housing in Bridport
We are following in Bridport’s tradition of utilising the new to benefit the many. At Smart Community Projects, the team behind Bridport’s Watton Village Housing Project, our key objective is to deliver something that is right for everyone.
Why? Because not only did we set up as a Community Interest Company (CIC) with the founding principle that all profits and assets are for the public good BUT we also did it because we wanted to address the growing housing crisis by providing affordable housing to key workers, families, new home starters that would otherwise have to live away from the community they were brought up in or where they now work. It is a national problem which we want to show can be solved by working with landowners, councils, innovative house builders and the public. Pioneered in Bridport, adopted everywhere.
Let us show you how we are taking the S.M.A.R.T approach to this Housing Project and hope you will want to be part of what we are doing here in Bridport.
Sustainable: Using sustainable materials and latest technology to lower energy demand and reduce the carbon footprint of the build. We aim for our homes to be built to PassivHaus Standard which includes high levels of insulation, ventilation and heat recovery.
This project is about the landscape too. Harvesting rainwater, planting 5000 trees and encouraging a flourishing biodiversity to create amenity spaces for everyone to enjoy.
Modular: Working with innovative new prefabricated build methods that speed up the build process and minimise the construction impact on the environment.
Find out more about this here
Affordable: This is a not for profit scheme so all costs are only related to building the homes and creating the community. This is will be made feasible with the off-site construction techniques we are adopting but underpinned by the donation of the land by the Colfox family. The dwellings will remain affordable in perpetuity.
Find out more about this here
Renewable: Harnessing solar (Photovoltaic Panel) technology to lower energy bills with the potential for excess electricity to generate additional income for the community.
Together: This is a legacy project for the people of Bridport that will have a long-term positive impact to the local and wider community.
Creating a community that supports a way of living with innovation and environmental principles at it’s heart. A way of living that in turn will enhance health and wellbeing.
So what do you think?
Let’s do this together. With our experienced team, support from the people of Bridport and those who want to live here we are seeking approval from Town and Local Council, so we can create a new way of providing the right housing for our community.
Whatever your thoughts about the project we want to hear from you.
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